
The Climateball Bingo classify contrarian themes into 50 squares (v. 2.0):

Each square has a page, prefixed with but, and sometimes “#” when linking to them for clarity. You can generate your own bingo card.

Centre. — #ButCAGW is the central square of the Bingo. “CAGW” stands for stands for Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming.

Secret. — #ButClimateball is the secret square. It is so inside baseball that it does not need to be on the official Bingo. Hopefully only I need it.

Core. — #ButScience, #ButAdvocacy, #ButThePress, #ButCosts, #ButPolitics, #ButBias, and #ButEvidence constitute the core of the Bingo. See my post.

Fringe. — The outer circle is added for historical reasons and illustrative purposes. They provide free wins: learn them!

Battleground. — The 16 squares between the Core and the Fringe represents the main Climateball battleground. More on this at a later time.

Index. — All the pages, with completion guesstimates in brackets.

12 Years | 70’s Cooling | Anything But CO2 | Accelerate (30%) | Advocacy (25%) | Alarmism | Bias (35%) | CAGW | China (50%) | Climateball | Consensus | Costs (25%) | Credentials (30%) | Damascus (85%) | Da Paws (30%) | Data (70%) | Debate Me | “Denier” | Emails (60%) | Evidence | Extreme Events | Freedom (10%) | Galileo | Growth (30%) | Historical Times (40%) | Hurricanes (NEW!) | Hypocrisy (50%) | Life | Modulz | MWP (10%) | My Guru (60%) | NASA | Nukes | Politics (40%) | Predictions | PSYOP (60%) | Religion | Renewables | Scapegoat | Science | Semantics (30%) | Some Scare (5%) | Taxes (50%) | Techno Fix (20%) | The Poor (5%) | The Press (45%) | This Odd Place (35%) | Trace Gas | Truth | Word Change

Alternative Link. — To bypass contrarian outlets’ filter (e.g. Judy’s), use